Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Jungle Wedding

Our wedding was exactly the way we ( maybe just me ) wanted it. Friends,Family in the most genuine way share a joyous occasion together. My bridal march "Somewhere over the rainbow,Ukulele version. so turn it on while browsing the pix n u'll get a v clear pic of what happened that morning.

More than ever we wanted to show people the wonders of gods creation. We were all greeted by sweet kisses of morning breeze and as I watch the fabrics flutter away & birds chirpin lightly in the backgrounds I knew,.. it was a beautiful gift from him.

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  1. Hi Linn,

    It's Alan from

    This is the first time I hear of bridal march using Somewhere over the rainbow, ukulele version. But I think its a brilliant idea.

    Congratulations once again~

    - From me and folks!

  2. hello and congrats...

    may I know whose took those pics above?

    nice wedding theme!!

  3. Hey,

    Photos by a photographer fren of mine based in Singapore. Lemme know if you need the contact.

